We are a close-knit, out-of-network pediatric therapy clinic looking for a...

Dynamic, Intuitive, Warmhearted, Sensory-Informed
Spending most of your time working one-on-one with each of your patients and their families,
Drastically reduced paperwork requirements compared to the average in-network therapy clinic,
Working in a 100% cash-pay clinic without the nonsense that goes along with insurance contracts and begging for visit approvals,
Refining your skills and practice through reflective supervision and continual learning,
Having a pivotal role in a local East Texas business that helps empower families to experience joy in their lives and peace in their homes
Earning great compensation for all the above,
This could be the perfect position for you!
Hi, my name is Jenny Williams. I’m an Occupational Therapist and owner of a specialty clinic in the East Texas area: Little Light Pediatric Therapy.
I’m looking to hire an experienced Occupational Therapist with great interpersonal skills who is interested in full-time hours. But before I start asking you questions, let me tell you a bit more about this practice and our treatment philosophy, so you can determine if you are likely to be a great fit with us …

Treating patients with sensory challenges is our primary focus, but we never discount the importance of empowering parents and caregivers. All of our families participate in therapy sessions, which we typically do three times a week! We don’t just have parents sitting on the sidelines, we involve them deeply in the process all while supporting them and equipping them to help their child outside of the clinic. We’re team players and love when parents join the team. Here, parents don’t just drop kids at the door and expect us to fix them up… we understand parents don’t like to pay much out-of-pocket for that treatment approach.
Our reputation and results have earned us the "One of The Best in East Texas" designation by the Longview News Journal "Best of East Texas" poll in 2021 and 2022.

Due to legal limitations from not being a Participating Medicaid Provider, we do not treat a great deal of Medicaid beneficiaries though we do have a handful of Medicaid recipients here and there.
Patients pay in-full at the time of service and are provided a receipt with the necessary codes/info to send in self-claims to insurance if they so choose. Many families choose to do so!
Documentation must be in line with the State Practice Act and be sufficient if legal issues arise, but much of the insurance-based paperwork requirements do not exist in this clinic.
Sound exciting so far? If not, no need to read further. If so, let me tell you more about who we're looking for.

Clinically, we're looking for a stellar occupational therapist. Having solid training in sensory processing disorder beyond what is taught in OT school is a major bonus.
Showing a natural ability with children AND caregivers is a must. I’ve known OT’s who have taken significant continuing education in sensory strategies but lacked a natural ability with following a child’s lead; instead, relying on behavioral modification strategies for cooperation. Some things can be taught and some things unfortunately cannot. I’m looking for that person who has always been told they are “a natural with kids” and who embraces a child’s interest; who knows the importance of relationship rather than compliance.
But there's something even more important than your clinical skills: your personality and interpersonal skills.
In my opinion, if you can't "win over" a parent via your conversations and interactions, it almost doesn't matter how good you are with imaginary play and problem solving. The right person for this job will be able to assess and skillfully respond to the wide variety of personality types. A natural ability to build great rapport with every family is a must.
someone who is...
I’m looking for someone who is passionate about learning and wise enough to know there will always be much more to learn … regardless of age or experience.
In this practice, the learning, training, and practicing will be focused on customer experience and interactions as well as clinical techniques. We believe in reflective therapy practices. Often, we will watch recordings of sessions together to help improve our own insight and skills.
If the idea of having others watch your sessions is a hard 'NO', this might not be the right fit for you. We all feel a little nervous about it at first, but have grown to see the value in it!

to help you decide if this position is a good fit for you:
If a primary joy for you in the field of OT involves implementing highly structured activities and planned treatment sessions, this may not be the best clinic for you since we prioritize child-led intervention and session goals are based on in-depth clinical reasoning
This clinic’s population is diverse and evenly spread among gender and age up to 25 (so far!) Plenty of toddlers, school aged, high-school, college students, and the occasional adult with needs for sensory health. Our patients and their families are amazing! You’re gonna love them.
Due to the cash-pay business model and the fact that we don’t directly market to pediatricians, the clinic doesn’t see a lot of strictly developmental, fine-motor, or handwriting patients (nor is the clinic outfitted for much of that . . . we’ve got quite a few toys, but we believe the best toy is yourself!).
This position will be perfect for someone who has great interpersonal skills and a compassionate, joyful outlook on life … Someone who is looking for an environment where high quality care and patient experience is truly the top priority (not just part of a mission statement).
Our therapy programs are guided by the STAR Model for SPD, DIR/Floortime and SOS Feeding. We are passionate about Polyvagal Theory, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Trauma Informed Care, and openly oppose ABA practice. If you don’t know what any of that means or don’t agree with those models, let's have a conversation about your practice philosophy as we get to know each other!
We are currently open Monday-Thursday from 8:30-5:00pm to see patients, but there could be room for flexibility with hours/days.
some other things
If all the above has made you excited about this job, here is a detailed "success description" outlining all the details of what being successful in this position will look like:

success description
to have superstar status in this position, you will:
Laugh and make others laugh (or at least make them smile :))
Adopt a firm belief that we are not just here to help people when they are in the clinic, but that we have the role of primary supporter of families who struggle with sensory processing and that we are our clients' lifelong guides to sensory health and overall wellbeing.
Learn and apply specific techniques and strategies for communicating with families and prospective patients in a way that helps families understand the value of doing therapy with us
Smile and make patients feel extremely welcome and cared for, even on days you're not feeling very smiley.
Being open and excited to learn and implement strategies that will help you provide superior client experience and get more families to discover the joy for life they have been missing.
Actively seek to understand what drives each of our patients, it's not issues that brought them to the clinic. It's a feeling of joy, success, and confidence that disordered sensory processing is keeping them from experiencing the way their family hopes and dreams of.
Care about your co-workers and take an interest in their lives and happiness.
Be willing to work 4 days a week to consistently provide intensive-based therapy services.
Express gratitude to our administrative staff for how much easier they make our lives.
Never take for granted the amazing patient-care atmosphere and daily work setting this job provides compared to the typical outpatient pediatric clinic.
Be a physical representation of health, wellness, and balance … How can we ask our patients to do things we're not willing to do ourselves?
Attend at least 2 community/family events each year to generate and deepen connections with attendees and referral sources.
Compel at least 1 family per month to leave an online review of their experience at Little Light Pediatric Therapy
Proactively think of things that could make a big difference to the way the business runs and our ability to help people.
You're already showing some of the characteristics I'm looking for so if you’re interested in applying for this position, please follow these specific directions:
send an email to jenny@littlelighttherapy.com and …
Use the Subject Line: I’m interested in being a rockstar sensory-based OT
Within the email, please write a few sentences about why you feel you are a great fit for this position.
Include a link to your LinkedIn profile (If you don’t already have one, please make one and include the link in the email … doesn't need to be long or fancy.)
Attach your resumé as a PDF file
for reading
this far!
Thank you so much for your interest in this position.
I hope to meet you soon!